SMTA Office Bearers Election 2021-2023

Ref: SMTA/Nov.2021/Elec.
November 3rd , 2021

ALL MEMBERS OF The Surgical Manufacturer & Traders Association, New Delhi — 110002,

Sub.: Election of SMTA Office Bearers for the term 20212023.

Dear Member,

I am pleased to inform you that as per letter bearing No. SMTA/Nov.2021/68th AGM Intimation dated 2nd Nov, 2021, I have been appointed to perform the duty of Election Officer for the election of Office bearers for the term of 2021-2023. The Elections are scheduled to be held during the 68th Annual General Meeting of the Association, scheduled to be held on Saturday, the 4th December, 2021, at Hotel The Leela Ambience, Gurugram Hotel & Residences, Ambience Island, NH8, Gurugram-122002.

I am thankful to the Executive members for reposing confidence in me and pleased to seek your valued co-operation, enabling me to discharge my duties and complete the process. I am sure that all of you would be forthcoming whole heartedly and participate in these Elections. Please find attached herewith the Nomination Form for the Election of the following posts:


You are requested to please send the same to me, at the below given address of my Office, duty filled In, signed and stamped, as per the procedure (copy enclosed herewith). Please ensure that the schedule of Time as given below is adhered to strictly. While filling the forms you are requested to please observe the Bye-Laws of the Association and the enclosed Election Procedure. Please make it sure that at the time of scrutiny neither the Proposer & Seconder nor the Candidate should be in arrears of subscription.

As per the resolution passed by General Body in its meeting held on 2nd August. 1992 only one Office Bearer has to be elected for each above mentioned post. The members of the Executive Body shall be nominated by the President and Secretary Elect and announced for the information of house.

In case, you need more Nomination Forms, may please use photocopy of the enclosed Nomination Form only or download from the Association official website :

The detailed Election Schedule is as under:

1. Last date & time of filing the Nomination Papers Thursday, the 18th Nov ., 2021 (By 5.00 PM)
2. Scrutiny of Nominations Thursday, the 18th Nov ,, 2021 (At 5.00 PM)
3. Eligible List of Candidates Friday, the 19th Nov. 20 21.
4. Date of Withdrawal Thursday, the 25th Nov   2021 (By 5.00 PM)
5. Final List of Candidates Friday, the 25th Nov., 2 021.
6. Election to be held during AGM on Saturday, the 4th Dec., 2021.